5 March 2010

Another party for another host...

Midge turned 2 on Monday, so to celebrate our Rock DJ Ben, and also Midge's SL partner, threw her a party.

Ben was her personal DJ for the night, and fun and laughter was had by all!

There is also a flickr stream for you to add all your pictures of Midge, to give her a few memories from her 2 years in SL. You can find it in the links to your right.

Thanks Temp for taking some pictures of the night, here are a couple she took.

People + ferret dancing to Ben's set.

Midge and Ben dancing in their polarbear slippers, a present from Temp.


  1. Tempest OleanderMarch 09, 2010

    Hey thank god those are polar bears on their feet.... for a moment I thought they were my cousins!

  2. Tempest OleanderMarch 09, 2010

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