18 July 2009

Spotlight on Tempest Oleander

So I gave her a few weeks to get settled, and now she is going to have the Spotlight treatment! The newest U'Bar hostess, answered the staff spotlight questions...so here is what she had to say.

1. Role and times you're usually in the U'Bar? Hostess... I usually work Thursday evenings from 6:00 - 8:00 SLT. I am often there not hosting at all different times.

2. Favourite SL object? I don't really have one.. There is way to much here to pic one favorite thing. Though I am leaning toward a 4x4 Off Road truck or a Little Deuce Coupe Hotrod =)

3. The CD you own that you would never admit to?
Hmm.... Tempest goes through her meager CD collection in my mind..... Tommy Hunter... anyone know him?
4. Food you would eat till the end of time, and the food you would never touch?
I love Beef - BBQ, pan fried, smoked, open fired, baked... maybe even raw if I know the farm it came from..
I will never touch brusell sprouts, liver, chic peas, my moms Thanksgiving Turkey

5. What super power would you have?
In RL we don't need any super powers.... The world is already screwed up enough as it is... time to take away some of the technologies and 'powers' and get more back to what people are meant to be. In SL we are already GODS... which can be unfortunate...
As for anything to add...I am me.. and that's who I am.. take it or fooking leave it..

So if you want to find out any more about Temp...drop a comment on the blog and she'll answer it, or I will make up an answer for her. Or call into the U'Bar and catch up with her. There's a picture below so you know who you're looking for!

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