1 May 2009

A see you soon...to Midge

Midge Larkham.. she has left SL yesterday for the Arctic !!! Going there for work for 2 months of snow and cold and polar bears and maybe a few penguins chucked in for good measure.

Everyone at the U'Bar wishes her the best of luck with your exciting travels and hope you return safely to have a welcome home party.



  1. Hi guys
    I'm sat at the airport waiting for the paperwork to be checked on all the kit we're taking out. It goes out a day earlier than the people do! At least the landrover started this morning! (teehee).
    Thanks so much for the great day yesterday and i'll see you around!
    Back in the UBar as soon as I can!
    Behave yourselves - or of you don't make sure someone fills me in on the details!
    Be safe, Be well and be in contact! (cindy is my "woman on the scene!")

  2. P.S. the only penguins that will be out there are the choccie biscuits Brian bought at the airport!

  3. Enough to last you 2 months I hope!

  4. Midge, be safe and don't forget a puffy coat! Send pictures!
